will my alarm go off during a call iphone

Will My Alarm Go Off During A Call Iphone? 

Yes, your iPhone alarm will typically go off during a call, but there are factors to consider. If your phone is not in silent mode or Do Not Disturb, the alarm should sound. However, if you’re using certain apps or features that mute notifications during calls, it might affect the alarm.  To ensure your alarm…

how long does coke last after opening

How Long Does Coke Last After Opening? 

After opening a bottle or can of Coke, its carbonation and flavor are at their peak for about 24 to 48 hours. During this time, the beverage retains its characteristic fizziness and taste. However, as time passes, especially if left unsealed or exposed to air, the carbonation diminishes gradually. While it’s safe to consume Coke…

can you be a lawyer with a criminal record

Can You Be a Lawyer with a Criminal Record? 

Becoming a lawyer with a criminal record is possible, but it depends on various factors, such as the jurisdiction and the nature of the criminal offenses. While a criminal record doesn’t automatically disqualify someone from pursuing a legal career, it can pose challenges during the application process. Law schools often consider an applicant’s criminal history,…

why do helicopters circle at night uk

Why Do Helicopters Circle At Night UK? 

Helicopters circle at night in the UK for essential reasons like policing activities, search and rescue operations, and monitoring public safety. The police use them to patrol areas, track suspects, and ensure public safety during nighttime.  They’re also vital for finding missing persons quickly and responding to emergencies. Medical evacuations, military training exercises, and private…

Financial Conduct Authority Interview Questions

Comprehensive Financial Conduct Authority Interview Questions!

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) stands as a formidable regulatory body in the financial industry, dedicated to safeguarding consumers, promoting healthy competition, and ensuring ethical conduct within the sector. If you aspire to join the FCA and are gearing up for an interview, familiarizing yourself with common interview questions can significantly enhance your preparedness. In…

Penalty for Scratching a Car and Leaving

Penalty for Scratching a Car and Leaving!

Scratching someone else’s car and leaving the scene without taking responsibility is considered a hit-and-run or a hit-and-skip offense. Penalties for such actions vary depending on the jurisdiction and the extent of the damage caused. In many places, it is a criminal offense, and consequences may include fines, probation, community service, license suspension, or even…

Are Titles Included in Word Count

Are Titles Included in Word Count? 

Whether titles are included in word count can depend on the specific guidelines provided by the organization or platform requesting the word count. In academic and professional settings, titles are often included in the word count. However, for creative writing, online articles, or other contexts, it may vary. Always check the specific guidelines or instructions…

do brake discs come in pairs

Do Brake Discs Come In Pairs? 

Yes, brake discs are commonly sold in pairs, with two discs for the front axle and two for the rear axle, aligning with the standard configuration of most vehicles. This packaging practice simplifies replacement for the typical setup.  However, it’s also possible to purchase individual brake discs if only one needs replacement due to wear…

where should i be after 10 driving lessons

Where Should I Be After 10 Driving Lessons?

After 10 driving lessons, individuals typically have a foundational understanding of basic driving skills, including vehicle control, traffic rules, and basic maneuvers such as turns and parking. However, the progress can vary based on personal learning abilities and prior experience. It is important to gauge comfort and confidence behind the wheel, as well as the…

Is A 5 A B

Is A 5 A B?

In the realm of cryptic messages and mysterious codes, the combination “5 A B” has emerged as an enigma that has captivated the curiosity of individuals around the globe. Its meaning remains elusive, and speculation abounds regarding its significance. In this article, we will delve into the world of “5 A B,” exploring its possible…