Are Titles Included in Word Count

Are Titles Included in Word Count? 

Whether titles are included in word count can depend on the specific guidelines provided by the organization or platform requesting the word count. In academic and professional settings, titles are often included in the word count. However, for creative writing, online articles, or other contexts, it may vary.

Always check the specific guidelines or instructions given by the entity requesting the word count. If the guidelines do not explicitly state whether titles should be included, it’s a good idea to ask for clarification or make a decision based on common practices in the particular context.

How are titles counted in word limits in academic and professional writing?

How are titles counted in word limits in academic and professional writing

The treatment of titles in word limits can vary depending on the specific guidelines provided by the institution, publisher, or style guide you are following. However, here are some general conventions:

Including Titles in Word Count

In many cases, titles, headings, and subheadings are included in the word count. This is especially true in academic writing where word limits are set to assess the writer’s ability to convey information concisely.

Excluding Titles from Word Count

Some guidelines, particularly in professional or creative writing, may exclude titles, headings, and subheadings from the word count. This is more common when the focus is on the content of the document rather than its structure.

Varied Treatment

Sometimes, guidelines might specify whether titles and headings are included or excluded from the word count. Always refer to the specific instructions provided by the entity requesting the document.

Abstracts and Reference Lists

The treatment of abstracts and reference lists can also vary. Some guidelines include them in the word count, while others do not.

Word Count Tools

If you are uncertain about whether to include titles in your word count, check if the word count tool you are using includes or excludes titles. Many word processing software and online tools have options to customize what is included in the count.

Consistency is Key

Regardless of the specific rules, the most important aspect is consistency. If you choose to include titles in the word count, be consistent throughout the document.

What influences the inclusion of titles in word counts for creative writing?

The inclusion of titles in word counts for creative writing and online platforms can be influenced by various factors. Here are some considerations that may impact whether titles are included in word counts:

Platform or Publisher Guidelines

Different online platforms and publishers may have specific guidelines regarding word counts and whether titles are included. Always refer to the rules or style guides provided by the platform or publisher to understand their specific requirements.

Intent and Focus

The decision to include titles in word counts often depends on the intent and focus of the writing. In creative writing, where expression and style are highly valued, titles may be excluded to encourage creativity and brevity. However, in more formal contexts, such as academic writing, titles are often included to assess the writer’s ability to convey information within specified limits.

Readability and User Experience

Online platforms may consider the readability and user experience of the content. Excluding titles from word counts might be done to ensure that readers get a more accurate representation of the length of the actual written content.

Consistency with Style Guides

Some style guides, both for creative and academic writing, may have specific recommendations on whether titles should be included in word counts. Writers should adhere to these guidelines for consistency and to meet the expectations of their target audience.

Genre and Writing Conventions

Different genres may have their own conventions regarding word counts and the inclusion of titles. For example, poetry and flash fiction often have unique guidelines compared to longer prose.

Word Processing Tools

The default settings of word processing tools or online writing platforms may influence whether titles are included in word counts. Writers should be aware of how these tools treat titles and adjust their writing practices accordingly.

Reader Expectations

Consideration may be given to what readers typically expect. For instance, in creative writing, readers may be more forgiving of variations in word count due to titles, as creativity and expression are often prioritized over strict adherence to word limits.

It’s essential to be aware of the specific requirements of the platform or publisher you are submitting your work to and to follow any provided guidelines or instructions regarding word counts and the inclusion of titles. If in doubt, seeking clarification from the platform or editor is advisable.

How do academic institutions, publishers, and online platforms?

Academic institutions generally provide guidelines for written submissions, specifying whether titles are included in the word count. Instructors may have course-specific policies, with some including titles in the count to assess students’ ability to convey information within set limits. These instructions are usually made clear in assignment guidelines.

Publishers, on the other hand, adhere to specific style guides and editorial policies that may outline whether titles are considered part of the word count. Authors submitting work receive guidelines that detail formatting requirements and whether titles should be included in the count.

Online writing platforms have their own rules, and writers should check specific guidelines to determine if titles are included in word counts. The platform’s word count tools may have default settings that either include or exclude titles, impacting the consistency across content.

Across all entities, the intent and purpose of the writing play a role in determining whether titles are included. Transparency is key, with institutions, publishers, and platforms striving to communicate their policies clearly to writers. In creative writing or certain genres, there might be more flexibility, allowing variations in word count due to titles, especially if creativity is a significant focus. Writers should refer to specific guidelines and seek clarification when needed to ensure compliance with the requirements of the submitting entity.


What does Microsoft word count include?

Microsoft Word typically counts words in the main body of text, including headings and captions, but may exclude certain elements like footnotes or text boxes.

How do you count 300 words in an essay?

To count 300 words, check your essay’s word count feature or count the number of full words using a manual method, such as counting every 10th word and multiplying.

Does Microsoft Word word count include citations?

Microsoft Word’s word count usually includes citations within the main body of the text but may exclude them if placed in separate sections.

How much of a word count should you use?

The distribution of word count depends on the type of document; for essays, a common breakdown is about 10% for introduction, 80% for the main body, and 10% for the conclusion.

How can I know how many words my essay has?

You can check the word count in Microsoft Word by selecting the “Review” tab and clicking on “Word Count” or by using the word count tool provided in most word processing software.

How do you count words without references?

To count words without references, simply exclude the reference section or any parts specifically mentioned as excluded in the given guidelines while using the word count tool.

Final Words

Whether titles are part of the word count depends on where you’re writing. For school and work, it’s common to include titles in the count. But online and in creative writing, it can vary. Always check the rules where you’re writing to make sure you get it right. Follow the guidelines, and you’ll be on the right track!