How Many Fillings Is Normal

How Many Fillings Is Normal? 

The number of fillings a person might have can vary significantly based on individual factors such as dental hygiene, diet, genetic predisposition to cavities, and access to dental care. “Normal” is a subjective term when it comes to the number of fillings someone might have. Some individuals may have no fillings at all due to…

Can You Eat Haribos with Braces

Can You Eat Haribos with Braces? Braces-Friendly Candy”

No, Sticky and chewy sweets like Haribo should be avoided when you have braces. They have the potential to damage your braces by dislodging elastics and getting trapped around the wires, making them difficult to clean. While it’s best to steer clear of these treats if you decide to indulge, exercise caution. Cutting them into…